Wednesday 17 June 2015

Photo a Day

The rain that they forecast for prom arrived... and it didn't let up.  Torrential downpours all day.  Thankfully a local garden centre allowed us to use their greenhouses for photos.  I haven't uploaded my camera photos yet, but I did snap a few with my phone.

There were plenty of floral displays to use as backdrops.  And I was really impressed with myself for managing to capture the 'checkout' sign in the background.

Prom was the fun and memorable event that everyone hoped for.  And the kids all survived the traditional, weekend long, after prom.  It's nerve wracking to send your kids off to a two day, unsupervised party... especially when chances are good that the stories they come back with won't necessarily be the kind of stories you want to hear.  Four down, two to go.

While they partied, we furniture shopped.  Well, window shopped.  We haven't bought new furniture in years, but the kids are outgrowing their single beds and we're looking to see what's out there in the way of full size beds with built in storage.  

Didn't find anything I loved, but came away with some ideas.  Like dinosaurs for our Jurassic World crazed youngest.  Could you sleep with something like this looking at you?

A few other things caught my eye.  We don't have a dining set in our kitchen, we just sit at the island or in the dining room, but I've wanted to put something in that space since we moved in over two years ago.  Like this set, made out of mango wood, which I've never even heard of.  I love that the finished surfaces come pre-gouged.  There's probably a better term for this, something that anyone who knows anything about furniture would know.  All I know is that the first dent or scratch will just blend right in.  Awesome.

And this.  Cool piece, yes?


  1. I'm glad the rain missed you on prom night, but I wish you'd send the rain our way - we're in a drought.
    Thanks for sharing at

    1. It doesn't seem right that some places are drowning under too much water, while others are struggling with droughts. Thankfully the rain didn't last more than a day, but it was pretty soggy around here for a while! Sending rainy wishes your way!

  2. What a good idea to take the prom photos at the garden centre! And I happen to know what the technical term for "pre-gouged" furniture is! It's "distressed." The distressed look is very big right now.

    1. Aren't you fancy! You're right, there was a lot of distressed furniture to be seen...although I think some of it was distressed to the point of needing a dumpster...

  3. they get a 2 day party now?!! I want to go back to school! we got the prom night, and that was it. although, yeah - I still haven't told my mom all the stories. LOL
    I LOVE that mango wood. I've never heard of it before either, and now I have to have it!!

    1. I remember our prom... and the after party. Some stories should just never be told :)

  4. Thanks so much for linking up with looks like a busy weekend, prom pics are gorgeous

    1. Thanks Mackenzie, it was busy... a good kind of busy :)

  5. Great photos. Thank you for sharing with OMHG Wordless Wednesday Link Party.. Have a great day, co-host Evija @Fromevijawithlove x

  6. My daughter has hers next year and I am already worried! Lovely photos and I love that sideboard!

    1. It doesn't seem to matter how old they are, does it? Always something to worry about :)

      So glad you stopped by!

  7. Proms have now made it to the UK. Most schools have them. Hope they had a magical evening #pocolo

  8. Oh prom days are over for me - but how fun. I miss the excitement that comes along with my kids. Both married now and one grandson. Time is marching on!

  9. What a lovely post! Thanks for letting us have a glimpse into your life Jenn :D

  10. I need that cool piece. So very cool.

  11. lovely post! that bed looks very comfy would love to sleep in that.


  12. That last piece is awesome.. as for the dinosaur, you have to really wonder who would buy it. Heck, I bet we would if we had a disposable income!


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