Tuesday 23 June 2015

Photo a Day - Summer Bucket List

We said hello to summer with some Father's Day golf.

Gifts for Dad.  Lunch with Grandparents.  

And another attempt at furniture shopping, which somehow led us to Legoland and Bass Pro Shops.   When your kids ask to go furniture shopping with you, say no.

The high school kids wrapped up their final exams today.  Two more days of elementary school left, and a high school graduation ceremony on Thursday.  Then they'll have more than two months to go before they're back to school.

After feeling guilt and disappointment over last summer's lack of activity, I've put together a bucket list for the next couple of months.  Summer holidays are all about taking a break and relaxing, I get that, but I want to do a better job of planning family outings, while accepting that not ALL of the kids will be able to join us ALL of the time... something I still struggle with, and one of the many tough things about watching your kids grow up.

Almost everything on the list can be done in a day or over a weekend, and is within a couple of hours driving time.

Striving for more, but lowering my expectations.  Hopefully a recipe for memorable summer.


  1. Wow I love your bucket list and so jealous by the african lion safari, the drive-in movie and the nickel mine tour - we don't have anything like that over in England - enjoy your summer it sounds awesome!
    Katrina #PointShoot

  2. What a brilliant bucket list! A lion safari!!! Amazing. I'm definitely going to try berry picking this year with the kids. I hope you get to do all of your list, you'll have a great summer! x

  3. Sorry should have also added #mummy & us

  4. Good luck, I hope you get to tick everything off

  5. I have never created a bucket list, I think I need one so I can add safari!!!
    Thanks for sharing on the #OMHGWW this week and for sharing my banner!!!

    Hope you have a great week!

  6. Good luck on achieving your goal!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-other-worldly-insect-world.html

  7. Great list, and that lego looks awesome! Homemade ice-cream sounds like a perfect Summertime activity thanks for linking up with #mummy & us

  8. Sounds like a fun list. I liked your Friday post. I want to do it all. And I want to do nothing! I get that!!

    Have a great week!

  9. Sounds like a busy summer ahead. I found that the older the kids got, the harder it was to plan outings. Kind of like trying to herd cats. Have a fun summer!

  10. African lion safari?? CN Tower?? Can I come??
    Scarlet's last day of kindergarten is today, so I guess today is the day we finally say hello to summer. It hadn't been time yet.
    I want it to be a not bummer summer!

  11. Sound like lots of great plans ahead!! Love summer ..

  12. Great bucket list. Keep it going. Also, great photos. Very nice.


  13. I looks like you will have no regrets by the end of this summer! Thanks for joining us on Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday!


  14. That all sounds like mucho fun except for "purge clothing" and "reorganize boys' bedrooms" -- that sounds suspiciously like disguised work, Mom!

  15. Great bucket list - going to add a few those my list for this summer!

  16. Do I spy poutine??!! I would love some poutine, but definitely not on my diet plan :(
    I like your bucket list. Wasaga Beach - that brings back some memories! we stayed at this nice resort up there a few summer's ago.
    I think I will definitely try the homemade ice cream this year too.

  17. Such a fun list! I need to purge some clothes today! Thanks for reminding me and thank you for linking up with the #summerfamilyfun link-up! Hope you'll join us again next week!

    Holly @ www.iwillservewhileiwait.blogspot.com

  18. Love bucket lists! You have some great ideas on yours. #pocolo

  19. Good list. I hope you have fun ticking them all off :)

  20. A lovely looking bucket list, I do enjoy golf too, but only when i have the time to give which I usually don't! #MagicMoments


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