Thursday 22 August 2013

Photo A Day, More or Less

It's happening.  The days are getting shorter and the nights cooler.  I've spotted telltale red leaves on the top of our maple tree.  As much as I'd like to hold on to summer, it's slowly losing ground to September and soon enough I'll be chasing after the colours of autumn with my camera.

But for today, just a little more summer.

Boys doing planks in the stifling heat, and the beginning of our new fence.

A walk along the Burlington Pier.

Big kids learning their way around the kitchen, making sure their younger siblings don't starve while the grown-ups are at work.

Game nights.

Back to school shopping.

 And our last official soccer night of the season.



  1. Wonderful shots Jenn! Summer has been a great time for your family. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm sooo not ready for summer to end *sigh*

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Nice shots! The planks are great. I keep holding onto the last of summer over here. There's still a bit of time but it's shocking to see it get darker earlier!

  4. Jenn, what kind of camera do you use? Your photos are always so crisp and gorgeous! Thanks.

  5. On the pic of the french fries, what is in the bowl under them and is that cheese sprinkled over them? The other food dish looks so good also!

    1. It's called Poutine... french fries with gravy and cheese... Canadian deliciousness!! Authentic Poutine has cheese curds, but my daughter used the mozzarella that happened to be in the fridge for her homemade version.

  6. Oh wow what some amazing pictures I adore the ones of the pier it looks beautiful.

    Thank you for link up with the I Love My Post Blog Hop

    Life in a Break Down

  7. Great photos, Jenn! The pier pictures are beautiful!

  8. Yes, what camera do you use? Your pictures look like they have been taken by a professional photographer! The dishes all look so good. Burlington Pier pictures also look fabulous. Have a great summer.


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