Tuesday 28 May 2013

I'm on a Photo-a-Day Roll!

I'm feeling like a superstar these days.  I've been keeping my camera handy and taking almost a photo a day.   I'm also using my phone's camera a lot more.  This is something I've never been very good at... the nagging perfectionist in me just isn't satisfied with the picture quality... but sometimes a mediocre photo is better than no photo at all.  Right?

Like beautiful wedding receptions, and proof that my kids can dress up:

And the fabulous candy table:

And random everyday stuff, like organizing National Geographic, napping puppies... and evidence of the *ahem* sociability of certain adult children:

We filled FOUR garden bags with dandelions over the Victoria Day weekend:

There was some craftiness:

Some baking:

And some girl stuff to round out this boy momma:

I'm on a roll baby!


  1. What a great idea! I should give this photo-a-day a try, you never know what you might capture. Thank you for partying with us at Fluster's Creative Muster.

    Fluster Buster

  2. What a gorgeous family... and a great idea (a photo a day). Thanks for stopping by the Mom's Monday Mingle. Following you now!

  3. Yes, you are on a roll! Your family is lovely! I try to take as many photos as I can. If I don't have my (awesome) camera, I use my cell phone. I have the same philosophy: it's better to have a cell phone photo vs no photo at all.

  4. Hey Jenn!

    Wow, what beautiful pictures! I'm the same way with a camera. I think I'm never quite satisfied because I see other bloggers with much more eye pleasing pictures.


    I wanted to thank you for linking up with us at the Plus Party! I have added your bloglovin and google+ accounts and look forward to staying connected.

  5. Beautiful family! Makes me wish my sons would dress up more than what they do. Love that sock puppet!

  6. Great pics. That's some candy table!

  7. I love the picture of the kids together at the wedding reception. Good looking group you've got there. :)

  8. Cool! Nice photos - that candy table is making me drool. That bookshelf is making me want to curl up and read. Hehe.

  9. Great idea of trying to take photos everyday!

  10. Your kids are ADORABLE! And can I live in that candy table? Also, that loaf looks super scrumptious. I'm loving your photos!

  11. What a mixture of pix...loved them :)

    Happy WW

  12. What a nice collection of photos. I was trying to see what was on your book shelf and could tell what some of the books are, still trying to figure out a bunch though. Looks like that was a lovely wedding.
    I was stopping by to say hi, and thanks for linking up with Lovin' the Weekend Blog Hops. I am now following your blog (and pinterest and twitter).
    I also wanted to let you know you have been randomly chosen as this weekend's Featured Host. I couldn't find another way to contact you, so I hope you see this comment. If you could please email me at kewkew34@yahoo.com I would surely appreciate it. I will need a short blurb to add to the post. People usually share what they blog about, why they blog, how long they have been blogging (stuff like that), just things you would like our readers to know about you and your blog. I will send you the html code of the blog post on Friday afternoon and it needs to be posted by 6pm EST. We also ask that you share about the blog hops on your social media to help get the word out. It would be nice if you could share our button (on my blog (Tots and Me)side bar, but it is not mandatory. I look forward to hearing from you soon and getting to know you better. Have a great evening.

  13. Congrats on taking a lot of pictures, it's the hardest thing to remember...I helped my friend to start her own blog and she will always tell me of some stunning flower in her garden or a new makeover or a new recipe and i will always say did you take pictures...and of course it is "ohhhh I forgot"..lol I finally had to answer her with "I don't believe you"..."show me" well she is finally taking lots of pictures, the second thing I am trying to teach her is to take three or four pictures of the same thing from different angles, some close and some far away..I love all your pictures...the baking shots and the buffet are my favorite, I think the picture is so cool I could almost taste the food...I am a new follower and I am so glad I found you...

  14. I've tried to do some photo challenges, such as the 12 on 12 ~ one photo every hour for 12 hours. I begin taking one of me drinking coffee, and then I completely forget I was even doing this until the end of the day. I wish I were better!

  15. You are rocking the photos, sister! What's strange is that I've found some of the best pictures I have are actually from my iPhone. Who knew?

    I also love the photo of the books on the shelves. Maybe it's because I'm a reader, but that was like eye candy to me.

  16. Great pics!! I'm working on an instagram photo a day challenge and got behind after our holiday weekend. :( But you look like you are having some fun!! Great post!! I am following you back from the TGIF Blog Hop. Thanks for checking my blog out!

  17. This wedding looks an awesome event :)
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  18. So much goodness in one place! And that candy table is to die for, lol. You have a gorgeous family. Keep up with that photo challenge, because it is definitely bringing out the good stuff.
    p.s. thanks for checking out my article on Motherhood Later. I really appreciate that!

  19. I'm a sucker for photo challenges, love em! Thanks so much for linking up with the Bloglovin' Collective :)

  20. Hi, love your pics. You are so talented and lucky too. Can't wait to get my own camera and start snapping. I just use my phone and a point and shot right now. :P


  21. Wow - you do great work! my daughter loves photography and hopes to someday do it for a living.

  22. Lovely photo's hun. I really need to invest in a proper Camera instead of just using my phone.

    Thank you for linking up with The Weekend Blog Hop

    Hope to see you again tomorrow.

    Laura x x x

  23. Your family is beautiful, and have you ever wondered why we fight dandelions so hard. Why don't we just let them win, and we'd save ourselves a lot of work.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  24. Your family is beautiful!! Love your photos! I'm going to take a photo a day for the month of June!! Will be interesting to look back on! Who knows, maybe I'll do it in July too!! Just followed you on bloglovin! Found you on the blog hop! would love if you could check out my blog too!



  25. Thanks for linking and leaving a comment on Amanda's Books and More! It's fun to see what other moms are doing and I always love family photos. Lovely children!

  26. You're doing an awesome ~ these pictures are great! Your family is beautiful. I am horrible at taking pictures.

    Found you via the TGIF Blog Hop!

  27. These are cool photos! I am the same... I can never get a phone camera to work to my favor. That's why I have a husband. LOL! Thanks for sharing with us @ My Favorite Posts SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party!

    The Wondering Brain

  28. I want some of that bread - yum! Thanks for sharing these pictures - I enjoyed peeking into your world. :)

  29. What a lovely family you have! A pic a day is a great idea, and yours are great?

    Thanks for stopping by our hop today! So happy to have you join us!


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