Thursday 7 March 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

If you don't already know Bev at Black Ink Paperie, go check her out.  She is the funniest writer I've had the pleasure of discovering here in the blogosphere.  She is responsible for the sticky 'h' key on my keyboard, after having had coffee spewed onto it more than once.  She recently bestowed upon me the Versatile Blogger Award which, coming from her, blew my socks off.  So now I must 'put on my face' and graciously accept this award, albeit without nearly as much style as Bev.

The Rules are as follows:

             1) Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their site.

Thank you Bev.  I'm repeating myself here, as I've told you this before, but you are an incredibly gifted writer and I hope to see you publish a book one day.  You're also a talented crafter, despite your recent funk.

             2) Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.


              3) Nominate 7 fellow bloggers and include a link to their site.

Em at Dartmoor Ramblings - I love her photos!
Tami at Pretty Purplexing -  We hockey mama's have to stick together.
Galina at Chez Maximka - This girl can cook!
Kristin at About A Girl - She's a rockin' Canuck!
Mary at The Sauers - Cutest family ever.
Angela at A Typical English Home - The UK's very own Martha Stewart.

              4) Let them know you have nominated them.


               5) Share 7 random facts about you.

   Click here to see some random facts that I shared not too long ago.  


  1. Many thanks Jenn! You are very kind!

  2. Time to shine! Share your favorite post of the week at Friday Flash Blog Hop! (www.fridayflashblog.blogspot)

  3. Thanks Jenn! I really need to get organised with the nomination thing and the way you've set it out is really helpful; I think I now understand what I need to do.....I think.

  4. Thanks I'll be sure to check Black Ink Paperie out :-)

    Hi I'm James and I run Daddy Space a blog about our three wonderful children and family life. I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to join our blog hop, Saturday Bloggy Takeaway.

    Love the blog looking forward to future posts.

  5. congrats on your award! Found and following via the hop!

  6. Congratulations your blog is wonderful and very interesting. Kisses from Spain.

  7. Very nice award! Found you thru ALhoa Friday blg hop, I think??! :-) Happy Friday!

  8. I enjoyed reading your random facts and your answers. I am visiting with Silly Sunday Hop. I followed you on GFC.

  9. Loved learning a bit more about you. Thanks!

  10. Stopping by from the Whatever Wednesday Blog Hop. Thanks for sharing!

  11. jen! thank you so much for stopping by Harley and Jane! We are so happy to have you.

    Followed you back via bloglovin' :)


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