July is winding down. August is just around the corner.
There will be a German Shorthaired Pointer joining our family in about a month's time. The puppies are unbelievably cute!
Dryland training has started, in preparation for the hockey season that will be starting in September.
Painting has finally begun in one of the boys rooms. It was the only room we didn't have time to paint when we moved in over two years ago, and I couldn't stand looking at the yellow and teal walls any longer.
It's still really hot. Lawns are beginning to brown, and potted plants are withering.
Tonight there will be a blue moon, the second full moon during the calendar month. It won't really be blue, and it's not even that rare an occurrence, but it sounds cool.
Discovered in my travels around the world wide web this week:
A series of photos guaranteed to annoy anyone that's even slightly OCD.
This virtual tour of Sorrento, Italy. I want to go there.
This virtual tour of Sorrento, Italy. I want to go there.
Amazing wire sculptures. I can picture one of these in my dream garden.
Lego photography. I could totally get my kids on board with doing this.
Butternut Squash & Spinach Risotto. Sounds delicious, looks easy.
Ham and Brie Pop Tarts. Yes please!
Butternut Squash & Spinach Risotto. Sounds delicious, looks easy.
Ham and Brie Pop Tarts. Yes please!
And finally, rating sunscreens. The great, and the not so great, because right now there's no escaping the sun.
Happy Friday! Happy weekend!