Sunday 20 January 2013

Liebster Blog Award

So, there’s this award here in blogland.  The Liebster Blog Award.  Some time ago I was nominated for it.  I was surprised and honoured that Kristy at Shona Skye Creations and Gaby at The Gab Housewife Chronicles both felt that my blog was deserving of this recognition.

Just over the past couple of weeks I received two more nominations… thank you to Susan at Made by Momma and Niki at Dreaming is Believing.

According to several other bloggers, the Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  “Liebster” is German for sweetest, valued, welcome and/or favourite.  As far as I can tell, the nomination is itself the award.  It’s a nice way of recognizing and being recognized.

Wow ladies, thank you!

Now that the end of the year holiday rush has come and gone, and we’re settling into a somewhat quieter month of January, I’m finally able put some thought into this.  Here we go!

First of all, there are some rules:

Each nominee must share 11 things about themselves.  This will be tough, I’m not that interesting.
Answer the 11 questions set for you and create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
Nominate promising new bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

11 things about myself

I love storms… thunderstorms, snowstorms… bring ‘em on!
I’m a speed reader.  I can easily finish a novel in a day… and I read the Twilight series in two days.
I am a night owl and NEED to hit snooze at least twice each morning.
I collected postcards as a child… and still have the collection.
My husband and I have been together since high school.
I don’t know my left from right without first checking which hand I write with, but I have an internal compass and a great sense of direction.
I am terrible at asking for help.
I can’t sing.  I love to sing, and I can nail down lyrics in no time, but it’s best kept in the car with the windows shut tight.
Pralines and Cream is my favourite ice cream flavour.
I love bread, any kind and all the time... I think I'm a carbaholic.
I am a perfectionist, and a procrastinator... bad combination.

11 questions from Kristy:

What is your all-time favourite movie?
Hard to choose, I love so many… Shawshank Redemption
Are you a salty snacks or sweets person?
Are you a ducks-in-a-row organized person or a procrastinator?
Wanne-be organized… procrastinator at heart
What is your secret vice or weakness?
Chocolate.  I've been known to eat the chips in the baking cupboard by the handful.
What made you decide to start blogging?
I was looking for an easy way to keep friends and family up to date on our lives. 
If you had to pick three words to describe yourself, what would they be?
Procrastinator.  Impatient.  Intelligent.
What is your biggest goal for the next year?
Organize and simplify.  This large family has accumulated a lot of STUFF… and a lot of it needs to GO
If you could live in any country or any time in history, where/when would it be?
Here and now… wouldn’t have it any other way.
Are you a pet person? If so, what kind of pet?
Yes, love our dogs
What hobby do people have that you generally can’t stand doing or aren’t good at?
Knitting… I wish I could, and envy those that can!
What is the next skill, hobby, or craft you would like to learn?
Um, knitting…

11 questions from Gaby

What is your favourite meal?
Breakfast.  I would have breakfast for lunch and dinner if I could!
Water, soda or coffee?
What do you like most about blogging?
Capturing and preserving our memories.
What are your favourite spices?
Garlic… and garlic... and basil
Where would you like to live?
Right here!
Salted or unsalted butter?
What do you prefer? Chicken, beef, lamb or salmon?
What is your favourite dessert?
Crème Brulee
What is your go-to recipe?
As a take along dish… Spinach Dip
Do you like Starbucks?
What’s your favourite casserole?
Tuna casserole

11 questions from Susan

Are you a cat or dog person?
If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would it be?
What is your favourite colour?
If you could go back in time and re-live any experience in your life, what or when would it be?
Our last family vacation to PEI… it was wonderful
Do you have a favourite number?
Do you speak any other languages?
Not fluently, but I have a basic knowledge of French and German
If money and time were not a problem, what would you go back to school for?
If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Home is here… but I have a long list of places I’d like to visit!
What is your favourite movie of all time?
Shawshank Redemption
Shoes or barefoot?
Are you afraid of anything?
Being an empty-nester.  These kids not only fill my life, but they’ve come to define me.  I'm afraid I'll be absolutely lost when they leave.

11 questions from Niki

If the world was ending, what would be the last thing you would want to do?
Yikes, depressing... hold my kids.
Favourite person in the world?
That's tough, so many to choose from!
If you could be someone for one day, who would you want to be?
Oh this is hard... can't think of anyone...
Favourite song?
This is constantly changing.  I will often over-play a current favourite until I hate it.  Right now it's all about Kiss You Inside Out by Hedley
Favourite part of the day?
Late at night when the house is quiet
Best food you have ever had?
Most recently, an amazing filet mignon at Moxie's served with Stilton blue cheese and fig confit... but there's some mighty fine food out there so choosing the best ever would be impossible!
Biggest mistake in your life?
Not getting a University degree
Fav beauty product?
OPI nailpolish... that stuff lasts forever!
Fav TV show?
So many great ones... right now Big Bang Theory
Magazine or good book?
Laptop or tablet?
Love them both but still use the desktop most!

11 questions for the following nominated bloggers:

Coffee or tea?
Pets, yes or no?
What’s the most unusual thing you have ever eaten?
Favourite way to relax?
Book or movie?
Are you reading anything right now? What?
Favourite season?
Pet peeve?
Morning person or night owl?
Do you collect anything?


  1. Congratulations on the award! Haha, i have to think about my left or my right but i've got pretty good direction too. Shawshank Redemption is one of my favorite movies too. I'm a new follower via linky follwers & Bloglovin.


  2. Thanks for the nomination :) Loved reading all your Q & A's.
    I guess I better get busy with mine.

  3. Congratulations on the award!

    I'm your 200th follower from Thumping Thursdays. Have a good week! :)


  4. Congratulations and thanks for the nomination. My post will be up in the next couple of days

  5. Congrats on the award, Jenn, and *psssst* I smoke, too. On the list this year to hopefully kick for good. I have to work myself up for it.

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

  6. Congratulations on your 3 nominations!!! Thank you for also nominating me, I truly appreciate it.

  7. Hola Jenn!
    Congratz on the award! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for linking up with Soul Food Mondays! I appreciate it! I left ya some GFC love and support and am now your newest reader #202. I look forward to your visit again next week or sooner! I'd love to share the love and support.

    ~SimplyyMayra :)
    PonderWonders @

  8. Thank you Jenn for nominating me and Congrats to you on yours! I will be working on my post over the next couple of days!! Thanks again, I really appreciate it:) Lynn H @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  9. Hi, Jenn

    I love these awards, it's so nice to learn about other people. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today - I enjoyed visiting and looking around your lovely blog and I am a new follower. Have a great week.


  10. Congrats! It was so fun to learn more about you! Creme brulee is my favorite dessert also :)

  11. Congratulations. It was great learning about you.

  12. Woo! Getting awards is always fun. Wow, we are a lot alike. Procrastinating-Perfectionist, and you are right that is not a good combination. I love Shawshank Redemption, am a carbo-o-holic, impatient, loves spinach dip...mmmm. -"Inspiration in Progress" Link up tomorrow. : )

  13. Thank you so much Jenn, for nominating me for this awesome award. I have been away from blogging for a few weeks, since the passing of my Mother. I am slowly getting back into all things that need to be done. I've finally posted to my blog and nominated someone for the award. I may have a few others in mind for this, too. I hope you enjoy my post. Thank you again, Jenn! It makes me happy to know you enjoy my blog so much. I'm working on a post, a small rememberance to my Mother...should be up in a day or so.


  14. congrats on the award. we seem to have very similar habits and tastes, is that because we're canadian or related. xx

    1. Must be a Canadian thing... although if I had to pick someone to be a long-lost relation, you'd definitely be the coolest choice! xo

  15. Jennifer, I got to find out so much about you! How fun...I too am a perfectionist...sigh! It brings on its own set of troubles doesn't it? Congrats on the deserve it. BTW...thank you for your kind words on the memorial post this morning.


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