
Wednesday 7 November 2012

Crock Pot Adventure

It was shaping up to be another one of those days. I'm working late, knowing everyone will be coming and going from school, work, and hockey at different hours - and there's no plan for dinner. Lately there's been a lot of pizza nights, last minute drive-thru nights, breakfast for dinner nights, fend for yourself leftover nights... I'm definitely not going to win Mom of the Year anytime soon. 

So. I raced home at lunch and looked at my Crock Pot. Then I loaded the dishwasher, moved laundry from the washer to the dryer, and looked at the Crock Pot again. I love my Crock Pot, but I was in a rush and had no idea what to do with it. Most of my recipes are simple but still require meat to browned, veggies chopped, spices and sauces to be prepared... none of that was going to happen today. Instead, I took a package of frozen chicken breasts out of the freezer and put them into the Crock Pot (seriously frozen, I couldn't even separate the pieces so I just plopped the whole frozen slab in there) along with some leftover raw carrot & celery pieces, 2/3 of a bottle of Italian Salad Dressing, some water, and some parmesan cheese. I literally grabbed whatever was handy and tossed it in. I have no idea how this will taste, whether the chicken will be done on time or what to serve it with... rice maybe? This has the potential to be an epic fail, but there's no way they're going to end up eating pizza again tonight.

Stay tuned...

Update.  Dinner was edible, maybe even good.  Hubby added some frozen corn when he got home and ended up serving it with rice.  Did I mention I love my Crock Pot?

And sorry for the crappy taken-in-a-hurry-with-my-phone photo.

And as we're on the subject, here's a peek at my Pinterest Crock Pot board:


  1. Hi Jenn! I hope you don't mind I nominated you for a Liebster Award!!

    1. Thank you Gaby!! I don't mind at all :)

  2. Hi There! Beautiful Blog! I am a new follower of yours from the GFC blog hop. I will be looking forward to your blog!


  3. That sounds good and even better because it was fast. Hopping over from Friendly Friday Blog Hop

  4. well, it looks good! i have never tried FROZEN crock pot cooking...maybe you started a new trend!! .
    I am your newest follower from the hop..pls follow back if you can.

  5. You have a wonderful blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog - I'm following you back.

  6. I love my crock pots too. I have three of them and don't know what I'd do without them. So handy for days when I'm busy and don't feel like cooking. I'm hopping over to follow your crock pot board. Looking forward to seeing your pins.

  7. I'm totally going to follow that pinterest board...I've just started cooking with the crockpot more hubby works long hours and the kids need to eat earlier and life just gets so crazy by the end of the day. Having a crockpot meal makes everything so much more simple-I don't have to cook when the kids are melting down, can feed them first, and hubby still comes home to a hot meal! Thanks for stopping by my blog, happy to have discovered yours!

  8. Looks yummy!

    Thanks you dropping by and following! :D

    I am now a follower as well. :)

  9. I love my crock pot too. In fact, my husband tells me I am the "Crockpot Queen". Not because I'm that great but because he's rarely seen me cook a meal without using my Crockpot. I definitely related to your post and felt for you. I'm proud of you for doing "whatever" to avoid another pizza night. Bravo! New follower thanks to Reia from

  10. I love how you said this has the potential to be an epic fail. I just started doing crockpot meals & I'm always so nervous all day about how it's going to turn out. In the end, I've only had a few crock pot fails, so I guess that's pretty good! I'm not giving up just yet haha. I'm glad this crockpot meal turned out good for ya! I'm definitely heading over to your crockpot board...maybe it will boost my confidence!
    Blessings :)

  11. I love my crock pot, but hardly use it because I have no idea what to cook in it! I do make a good chicken soup and chill. So there is hope for me yet!

  12. Hi Jenn,
    I love my crock pot, too! I've been poking around your crock pot pinterest page today and see some yummy recipes! I like to use my crock pot at least once a week, so I'm looking for something new :) I love stuffed do they turn out in the crock? Thanks for all your recipes here, I know I'll find many I will want to try.

    1. The stuffed green peppers were very tasty, just a bit soggy after 8 hours!


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