
Sunday 11 November 2012

A Day of Remembrance

In remembrance of all those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.  

Thank you.

The Country the World Forgot, again - The Telegraph UK Article 
National War Memorial Ottawa - photo gallery
Remembrance Day: Lest we Forget - CBC Canada Article
Remembrance Vignette - Veterans Affairs Canada

Remembrance Day 2010 Victory Square Cenotaph, Vancouver, BC
Canada's Highway of Heroes - Article
To You With Failing Hands we Throw - In Flanders Fields


  1. This was a lovely tribute. What wonderful pics!

    Stopping by via the Sunday Sync--

  2. What a lovely post. It really makes you think about those who have given up for the love of their country, no matter what country.
    Thank you

  3. Wow, thank you for taking the time. In any culture, thank God for those who sacrifice.

  4. What a beautiful tribute to your country and remembering all who fought for it. It's good to see people being thankful for their homeland, no matter what country that is. Lovely that Canada's Remembrance Day and the US's Veteran's Day fall on the same day.

    Thanks for linking up this post to the On My Mind hop :)

  5. This is very patriotic and a thoughtful tribute. THe presence of the red with the statues are very compelling and I enjoyed reading it. I am following you now and would love for you to follow back.

  6. What a lovely tribute to those who have served. Thank you for reminding us all what it truly means to serve your country.

    Also... I'm a new follower from the hop. I hope you stop by my blog and follow back!

  7. Great post Jenn! As a military spouse, thanks for posting this tribute! Thank you too for linking up to my Thanksgiving traditions linky party and following me! Love your blog and following you as well! Where do you live in Ontario? I live in Ottawa now buy grew up near London. So great to meet other Ontario bloggers! Have a great day!

  8. This is a beautiful tribute! Lovely pictures. Following you back via GFC. Thanks for sharing!

  9. What an absolutely beautiful post Jenn!!!
    I'm following you back happily
    Big hugs from Montreal to Ontario

  10. Hi Jenn,
    Following you back from the Thumping Thursdays blog hop.
    What a fantastic tribute to those who served. The pictures are breathtaking. Thank you for that amazing display.

    Mom in the USA

  11. love all the pictures and the video! thanks for sharing!
    new follower from followers to friends! hope you follow back :)

  12. So thanking for all those that serve to keep us free! Your photos are beautiful remembrances!


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