Wednesday 31 October 2012


Hallowe'en is here.  And we're ready.  This may not seem newsworthy but it is.  There have been years where we've found ourselves panicking to get costumes ready at the last minute;  running to the store hours before trick-or-treating to buy whatever might be left of the Hallowe'en candy;  tossing around some last minute decorations… all in a stressful hurry-up-and-get-ready blur.   This time the costumes were ready by last weekend and that by itself is cause for celebration.

Granted, we’re getting off easy this year.  We didn't have pumpkins to carve due to an incredibly hot & dry summer that resulted in disappointing apple and pumpkin crops.  There was no apple-picking this fall, and pumpkins have been impossible to find.  Outdoor decorations were also struck off the Hallowe'en to-do list thanks to Hurricane Sandy.  They would have just ended up halfway across the neighbourhood.

One of my favourite Hallowe'en photos, from way back when they were all still young enough to go trick or treating:

And I have a confession to make.  Those boxes of Hallowe'en chocolates, the ones sitting in the pantry appearing to be whole and intact…. well, they're not.  I opened them.  And ate some, a lot actually.  And hid the wrappers.  And glued the boxes back together. 

And finally, a peek at my Hallowe'en Pinterest board.  Pinterest is the ultimate time waster... I love it!

Happy Hallowe'en! 

Halloween Link Up


  1. Hi Jenn,
    Thank you for finding my blog as well as Pinterest. I always enjoy your pins.

    It's great to meet you. I sent you a Facebook request too. I hope that was okay.

    Happy Halloween! They are precious.

    1. Thanks Melissa! So happy to meet you... love your blog and your pins :)

  2. Great pictures! Stopping by from Find and Follow Friday, looking forward to reading your blog!!

  3. The kids look great! And I chuckled to myself about you glueing the candy boxes closed - too funny!! I may have to use that trick myself in the future! ;)

    Found you on Me + the Moon's Friday blog hop!


  4. What a sweet family :)

  5. pinterest is a time waster, but it's soooo fun! Found you through the Sunday Sync!
    Helene in Between

  6. Thank you for linking up with Super Sunday Sync this week! Hope to see you next week :)

  7. Ahhh I can waste so much time on Pinterest too! Thanks so much for stopping by! Following you back now! Hope to see you at the next find + follow friday!

    ♥Nicole @ Me + the Moon

  8. Pinterest is such a good time waster... My three year old even likes looking for Super Heroes on the Geek board!

    I'm following back from the Empowered Living Hop... thanks for joining and I hope to see you next week to.


  9. Fun costumes! I so enjoyed helping our kids dress up when they were young.

  10. Great costumes! And you were giving Reese's to the kids!!! Nice to hear you got Hallowe'en all prepared in time... i missed out on Hallowe'en this year because of not being prepared. :(

    I look forward to reading more posts. :)

    Lauren x

  11. Those costumes are fantastic! I think everyone "samples" the Halloween candy ahead of time, for quality assurance :)
    I can't even buy chocolate ahead of time, so I give you credit for that.

  12. bahahahaha! I love that you glued the boxes back together! That made my day. :D Happy Halloween! Thanks for linking up!


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