
Tuesday 23 April 2013

Five Degrees

Warm enough for shorts.


  1. That's a nice capture at the right time :-)

    Have a fantabulosa week :-)

  2. Great capture :) I've deleted the old link and added us back on :) not sure what happened but us 2 had no picture ...Thanks for linking up .

  3. Goal!
    Thanks for linking up for WW :))

  4. Sounds like my husband! Awesome pic!
    Found you via the link up and now following!
    PS> I stalked the best carrot cake ever post...thanks for that ;)

  5. Great pic! Weather was so nice today here.

  6. Cool, looks likes a great place to practice! :) Danica

  7. OOooo - lucky you! I haven't worn shorts for years.....great picture Jenn.

  8. Thanks so much for the follow back on Pinterest :o) Hope you're having a great day :o)

  9. Great photo. thanks for linking up! :)

  10. Great photo! I'll have to show this to our 6 year old- he'll love it!

  11. I wish it was warm enough for shorts!!! Soon!! :D Thanks for linking this up to our Spring Fling link-up.

  12. Great photo and suburb! We've been blessed to live in a really good suburb here in our town in the Western Cape, South Africa. But, we still hear of break-ins of cars and houses next door and down the street and we pray daily for our protection and thank the Lord that He's spared us so far. We've lived here 5 years now and haven't had anything worse happen than a brass tap/faucet being stolen on our outside water pipe for the garden hose. We also get along with all the different cultures and ethnic groups, so we don't see one group as being the "bad" apple. I prefer a mix of people to one type of people. Maybe because I'm a 3rd culture kid myself. Canada also has a lot of diversity, I believe. I've been rambling... Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for leaving a comment on Amanda's Books and More!

    Tina - American (U.S.A) mom raising 4 kids in South Africa
    I know, we call ourselves American, but we share both continents with many others. :)

  13. Loving the weather here today. I'm stopping by from Canucks Rock link and I'm now following on Linky and GFC. I am also adding your blog to my sidebar.

  14. yeah for shorts! Not that quite warm here, but hopefully soon

  15. It was warm enough for shorts here yesterday, and today it's winter coats. eh, I'm ready for Spring!

  16. Thanks for joining me in the Wordless Wednesday Bloggers.


  17. Love this pic - my children were both out in shorts this week the second there was a glimmer of sun!

    Kate x
    Kate at Home

  18. Road hockey any time of the year is one of my guy's favourite activities. Looks like you could be in our neighbourhood lol. Thanks for following along.


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