
Thursday 29 November 2012

It's OK Thursday

It’s OK…

…that we slept in yesterday and missed early morning hockey practice

…that I haven’t started Christmas shopping yet

…that number-one-son’s puppy chewed one of my favourite shoes

…that I was so out of it one morning this week that I washed my hair with conditioner

…that I’m still wearing flip-flops despite the fact that we’ve had snow since the weekend

…that I ran the dryer for an extra 10 min three times last night to avoid folding laundry

…that I got home from work last night and couldn’t see my kitchen counter

…that I forgot today was garbage day

…that I was .12 cents short for my coffee at the drive-thru this morning but got my coffee anyway.  Thank you Tim Horton’s!


  1. Are you *sure* you don't live at my house? LOL I'm loving Its OK Thursdays! At least we get some content from our messups!

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

  2. Oh glad to hear I'm not the only one, we are relating on a few of these issues! Hope the week gets better for ya :)

  3. Don't feel bad... I purchased conditioner instead of shampoo... and it took me 3 days to figure out why it wasn't lathering up! Im a new follower from the FF blog hop! looking forward to learning more about you!

  4. Ooooo girl, I totally haven't started shopping for gifts either! And hello.... flip flops are TOTALLY acceptable!! (Unless it's like 5 degrees out....). :)

  5. Hi Jenn, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from Thumping Thursday.

    If that's not a "Thanks Giving" post, I don't know what is! Kudos for not sweating the small stuff!

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you’ve never visited yet, I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

  6. Ha! I'm still running my dryer on the "freshen up" cycle. That load has been in there for over a day. :)
    Found you through a little blog hopping. I'm now a follower and would love for you to swing by and follow back.
    Happy Friday!

  7. ooh I haven't started that Christmas shopping yet either, I'm thinking this weekend, maybe?


    Following ya now from the Friday hop. It's so sweet to meet ya. I'd love for you to join me for the ride at Local Sugar Hawaii . We're riding the wave of life one teensy adventure at a time, come join us and if you'd like join us for An Aloha Affair-- our sweet gathering and mingling and... growing together. You're welcome anytime.


  8. Oh that coffee looks so good right now as I sit here writing late at night!! :)

    I found you through a blog hop, glad I did! I look forward to reading your posts and am now following you! Come on by the Aloha Friday Blog hop and link up with us too!! It's easy and you could end up being next week's featured blogger!!

  9. hey jenn! thanks so much for linking up at an aloha affair- it's so nice to have you! i am happy to send much aloha to you in your cold times up there-brrr!
    p.s. sometimes i wash my hair (and my littlest littles hair) with conditioner too-it ends up sooo soft!
    have a nice week-end!

  10. At least your clothes made it to the dryer... I often forget my clothes in the washer and then have to rewash the whole load because it smells like mildew... yuck! :)

    Newest follower from Super Sunday Sync, hope you have a great evening!


  11. Haha I love this post. What a great way to get out the things you feel bad about and make it fun :) I totally am with you on running the laundry extra times to avoid folding it...I do that ALL the time. And then when I DO fold sits in the basket for a day or two before finding the drawers or closet. Hey, we have more important things to do! Have a great day!

  12. LOL! I haven't put away the clothes I washed a week an a half ago because I haven't washed clothes since then and do not need the basket...but now I have like 5 loads to wash and not an empty basket in sight *sigh*.

    I don't have an excuse, there is only three of us not 8.

    Following back from Sunday Sync!

  13. It's always okay to dress for summer no matter how cold it is. I'm new to your blog from the weekend blog walk I'm looking forward to your posts:-)

  14. I'm still wearing flip flops, now granted its not cold here and we probably won't have snow this winter, but I wear them when it is cold, and I totally restart the dryer just to avoid putting the clothes away.

    New follower from Sunday Sync.

  15. Thanks for linking up to the Social Stack Up this week!

  16. you would fit right in at my house.

  17. lol! Mama said there'd be days like this. ;)

  18. Haha there have been many a times that I forgot my laundry in the dryer and came back to it all wrinkled up. Rough life.

    Chewed up shoes are never okay in my book. Even rougher life.

  19. Oh I just love this post Jenn!!!
    And yes it's all ok - life goes on even if we ( me too ) still wear flip flops when there's snow outside lol
    Most of the time I just stick my feet in my boots - barefoot anyways - maybe it's denial of these Canadian winters of ours?

  20. Love this post! It is always good to remind ourselves things happen and to let them go! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I am now following you from Grow your blog hop!


  21. LOL at the laundry restart 3x. that's something I would do!
    stopping by for the linky party!
    Trish @ Tales from ...

  22. Don't we all have days like that? haha

    I found your blog through the blog hop and I'm your newest follower. I'd love for you to check out my blog, too, and follow me back!


  23. I see that you are a part of the Grow Your Blog hop. I already follow your pinterest and now I follow your blog! I love the It's Ok Thursday idea! Sorry you forgot trash day, but yeah for Tim Hortons!
    Hope you come and visit me, if you haven't already!
    Cynthia at

  24. hi. i'm following the blog hop. i would love for you to visit my blog and follow if you like it.

    new follower bev

  25. love when the universe hooks you up with your morning cup o joe.

    Thank you so very much for joining us for An Aloha Affair last week. How sweet it was to end the month together.

    Our beautiful December team has gathered and we are so excited to invite you to join us for... An Aloha Affair. Come mingle and grow with us, you are always welcome. Always.


  26. the dryer trick is classic. i dont think we could survive without it ;) - glad i found your blog on the friends to followers link up and excited to be your newest follower!


    p.s. i'd love for you to drop by and say hi when you get a chance!

  27. Oh, my feet would be freezing in flip flops! :)

  28. Hi friend,
    I am your newest follower - Thank you for joining in with Friday Chaos

    Lotte xo

  29. I'm following you back now :)

    I forgot trash day last week too..bummer!

  30. You gotta love somebody that would let you get by with $.12. I've had someone wait for me to run get three pennies out of my car. I hate when I miss trash day! Thanks for linking up with TALU!

  31. I often run my dryer several extra times until I'm ready to fold the laundry...and when I don't, then we have wrinkled clothes

  32. Scared me for a second there ... it's only April and you mentioned not having started your X-Mass shopping yet LOL. Forgot this was an archive link-up. Phewww! ;)

    Personally, I don't re-start the dryer to avoid folding ... I do it to avoid IRONING!! I haven't ironed in years. I keep a spray bottle handy and if something needs to be ironed, I'll spritz it with water and throw it in the dryer for a few minutes. :) [#TALU]

  33. Ha! I love this list :] I can totally relate!!


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